Apply For Support
Since its establishment in the early 1980s, the Frank J. Battaglia Signal 13 Foundation has endeavored to provide financial assistance to qualified Baltimore City police department personnel, both civilian and sworn, who experience unexpected personal financial hardship.
Signal 13 applications are available at each of the districts or divisions and are printed in the Police Department General Order Manual Q-17. In a procedure set up by Commissioner Battaglia, once the completed form requesting assistance is signed by the Commanding Officer, the applicant is responsible for directing the form to the Foundation, either by email ([email protected]) or mail. A copy of your last pay stub is required with your application. The grants committee will not review your request until that information is received. Once members of the Grant Committee have received the applications, they will consider each case and decide on an appropriate decision. All applications, no matter the outcome, are completely confidential.
Click here to download the grant application form
The Frank J. Battaglia Signal 13 Foundation is a completely independent entity established to assist members of the Baltimore Police Department without being a part of it. Voting Members of the Foundation Board are civilians, not Active Police Department Personnel.
The Signal 13 Foundation has expanded its role beyond helping qualified Baltimore City police department personnel in times of stress by funding college scholarships for the children of active-duty members, both civilian and sworn.
Application Procedure
Eligible students should express their interest in writing, indicating which college/university they plan to attend. The letter should contain a statement granting the college/university the authority to release need analysis information from the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to the Foundation’s Scholarship Committee. Letters should be addressed as follows:
Chairman, Scholarship Committee
Personal and Confidential
Signal 13 Foundation, Inc.
732 Deepdene Road
P.O. Box 5661
Baltimore, MD 21210-9997
The chairman will request the Financial Aid Office to certify the student’s financial needs and the tuition and mandatory fees for the upcoming academic year. The committee reserves the right to obtain a credit report to verify the information on the application. Applicants must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) according to the aid application deadline established by the college/university they select or by March 1, whichever date is earlier.
Click here to learn more about the Signal 13 Foundation scholarship process and eligibility.