Signal 13 Celebrates 40 Years
It was 40 years ago, when former Police Commissioner Frank J. Battaglia hatched an idea to create a
nonprofit to support Baltimore City Police. It was an idea that was enthusiastically embraced by
Baltimore’s business leaders and philanthropists who volunteered to sit on the board and help raise
money. That was the beginning of what is now referred to as the Signal 13 Foundation. The mission then
and now remains the same – supporting Baltimore City Police personnel, both sworn and civilian, with
unexpected financial hardship grants and college scholarships for their children. In 2022, Signal 13 gave
out more than $220,000 in grant and scholarship assistance. The requests for support are increasing,
and we rarely turn an applicant down.
Signal 13 remains a small organization with a big spirit and a dedicated board that wants to do
everything it can to support the brave men and women in the department who risk their lives everyday
to keep us safe. But our finances are limited, and we can only do so much.
Join us as Signal 13 celebrates its 40th anniversary with more personal stories from the people we’ve
helped over the years. They are the reason we do what we do. Please share these stories with your
friends and colleagues and help us spread the word. Thank you to our supporters and followers for
allowing Signal 13 to continue its good work.
To help commemorate the Signal 13 Foundation’s 40 years as a nonprofit, we have designed a new logo that we will proudly display on our website, social media sites, and at various events throughout the year.
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Thank you for your support of Signal 13. We look forward to making an even bigger impact in the lives of Baltimore City Police in 2023, our 40th year! To support Baltimore City Police and their families, please click on the donate button below.
Formed in 1983 by Police Commissioner Frank J. Battaglia with help from prominent philanthropists and business owners, the Signal 13 Foundation is an independent, nonprofit 501(c)(3) committed to supporting the men and women of the Baltimore City Police Department with financial hardship grants and scholarships for their families. For more information, go to
Please also follow and like us on Social Media:
Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram.